If you have any kind of problems with this website, do not hesitate to call our attention to them by filling out the form below. Don’t hesitate. This is not the time to be shy. If you notice that certain things are not showing up properly or if you click on a link and it goes nowhere, we need to know. While this website is a work of love and we have taken a tremendous amount of time and effort to put it together, we readily admit that it is not perfect. In fact, it is far from perfect because we have put in so much time, effort and energy creating content for it that we are not sure if certain things got knocked loose. Maybe a specific detail fell through the cracks. There are just so many things that could go wrong.
The reason this is the case is that there are so many things that we can’t track or pay attention to. We may not have had the time to adequately do so. It’s just part of any kind of big project. Whether you are coding an earth-shattering or ground-breaking new type of software for some sort of new technology or you’re putting together the finishing touches on an amazing piece of artwork. Regardless of the specific type of human creative venture you engage in, there will always be plenty of opportunities for things to fall through the cracks and for certain details to fail to manifest themselves until you are a day late and a buck short. That’s just the nature of the beast. That’s just the way things are. To assume that somehow, this website is perfect right out of the box would really be to assume too much. It would really be a big disservice to both ourselves and the people who are relying on us.