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It's the online home of all things related to wood turning.

If you have just discovered the distinct joys and charms of turning wood on a lathe to come up with all sorts of amazing arts and crafts, welcome to the club. We understand the thrill that you feel. We really do. We have been there. We’ve taken what looks like just slabs of wood and turned them into all sorts of amazing creations thanks to the turning power of a lathe. That’s how powerful wood can be. Because it is a soft medium, it’s also very easy and malleable to work with. You just have to have the right tools.

It’s also very easy to decorate. Wood turning, of course, is the art of taking a piece of wood, placing it on a lathe, spinning it at a very high rate of speed, and applying tools like a chisel, picks, and other shaping instruments against the wood to create a wide range of finished products. It really blows your mind that not only can you create nice-looking, tube-like items, you can also create rings, bows, and sculptures. You can also create kitchenware. The only limit really is your imagination. If you have a tremendously creative mind and are able to think in unusual ways, wood turning would be an amazing hobby for you.

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Finding around the block

Experience Matters

You might want to get the attention and guidance from somebody who has been around the block as far as wood turning is concerned. A little bit of experience can definitely go a long way in making sure that your materials live up to their highest potential.

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Wood turning into something

No failed pieces

This is quite tricky because it’s not something that happens automatically. I am sure you have heard of people who have just gotten turned on to wood turning and in no time flat started cranking out the very best wood products as if overnight. Well, this type of situation does happen but they are few and far in between. What usually happens is that somebody puts in the time, and we’re talking about month after month, even year after year of intensive experience in producing a lot of failed pieces in the hopes that eventually, they will get it right.

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Unlike plastic modeling


You have to understand that wood turning is not like plastic molding. With plastic molding, you just need to get the right equipment, the right plastic, and the right molds. Once you have everything lined up, you just need to set up the molds properly and you can be assured that you will get high-quality products again and again. It happens like clockwork. There’s absolutely no guessing involved. There’s absolutely no variability involved as long as you set everything up properly. You can be assured with a very high level of certainty that you will get what you are looking for.


A wonderful future

lay the groundwork in the here and now.

To create a wonderful future for you both as a hobbyist and a professional wood turner, you have to lay the groundwork in the here and now. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place. We have all sorts of resources that would enable you to start this new hobby the right way. You no longer have to take chances. You no longer have to guess as to what the right path forward is. Everything has been spelled out for you. The only thing that’s missing is the effort and time. If you are willing to invest these two factors into your wood turning career, you would have a very successful career indeed. It really boils down to that. You get out what you put in.

But if you’re thinking that there’s some sort of automatic, slam dunk system for cranking out the very best wood-turned products, then you probably would be disappointed because it’s not that simple. It doesn’t work that way. You may have bought the very best machines out there, but no amount of machine wizardry would stand in for talent. I hope that message comes across loud and clear because a lot of people think that the right machinery is essentially a nice substitute for having the attention to detail and diligence needed to produce one amazing piece after another. Oftentimes, the high-quality products that people admire were only made possible because the people who created them burned through or wasted a tremendous amount of products before getting to that stage. If that was the case with them, what makes you think that your situation would be really different?

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Blog posts

The Secret Sauce to E-Juice Formulas

Now, you may be thinking that there is some sort of one size fits all or cookie cutter e-juice formula that would be the very best formula in the world. I really can’t blame you for thinking along these lines because this is how most products are marketed. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Seriously.

E-juice, if you are really honest about it, is essentially a personal choice. Somebody might be tickled pink about caramel and vanilla e-juice flavors, but if you were to give that product formulation to another person, they might be sick to their stomachs. This highlights the fact that e-juice formulas are essentially personal in nature, the best ejuice flavours and vape juice are Eliquid Depot.

To insist that there is this golden standard or some sort of cookie cutter, magic bullet solution that applies to all people at all times and from all different places in the world is just a fantasy. It’s a waste of time, and nobody’s being helped by such ideas. It really is.

So disabuse yourself of that idea. There is no such thing as some “hot formula” that you just have to get. Instead, focus on what makes sense to you. This is the secret.

If you’re looking for the holy grail when it comes to e-juice products, focus on this. It’s all about you. Whether you think something tastes nasty or smells like complete crap should matter only to you. That’s it. That is the standard. If it doesn’t seem right or if there’s some sort of aftertaste, then drop it. It really is that simple.

Just because everybody and their dog swears by a particular product, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to do the same. It boils down to your taste. If it doesn’t work for you, then it doesn’t work.

Stand up for your personal preferences. Stand up for your personal tastes and you will be surprised as to how much simpler your life is.

This is the problem with social proof. Just because everybody thinks that something is a great idea, it doesn’t necessarily make it a great idea as far as you are concerned. It doesn’t make it true in your particular situation.

Everybody’s entitled to march by the beat of their own drummer, and this doesn’t just apply to ideas. This doesn’t just apply to personalities. It also applies to the things that we put in our bodies. E-juice is one of those products.

And you better step up because if you are going to always let the crowd dictate your tastes, then you will never be happy. You will never find that magical formula because it doesn’t exist. It’s just a figment of your imagination. You’re just setting yourself up to become the latest victim of a hot marketing campaign.

Focus instead on what is real. Focus on what makes sense to you. That is the formula to e-juice success. Anything else will fall apart. Anything else is not going to withstand the test of time. In fact, anything else is simply just a waste of time. You probably will realize this later on after you have spent all this time, effort and money trying to chase after that “one right” product. It doesn’t exist. It only exists in your particular context, so focus on that.

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